About me
My name is Sasha Afanaseva.
I am an artist.
All my life I have been drawing, creating, inventing dolls, inspiring and being inspired.
I create dolls from textiles and plywood. Animals inspire me. Most often I come up with images for birds, foxes, cats and bears. I love and use floral ornament in my works. My dolls are unique, I completely create them myself, from sketch to implementation. Since 2013 I have been participating in various puppet exhibitions in Tula, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Tokyo.
Thanks to the Internet, people from all over the world see my work and order their doll from me. My dolls live in private collections in America, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Belgium, Portugal, Cyprus, Ukraine and, of course, in many cities of Russia.
I live and create in Serbia, from here my dolls fly all over the world)
In addition to dolls, I design and create original textile accessories and draw illustrations. Most of all I like to work with watercolors, colored pencils and acrylics.
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